Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting started...

Okay, so I told myself I would do this, that this would be good for me, cathartic even. I have been thinking about writing a blog since the middle of my pregnancy, when the list of the bizarre and unexpected consequences of bringing a child into the world began to overwhelm me. I turned to the internet for comfort and oh, did it provide...birth stories, nesting ideas, cures for heartburn and insomnia, and really bad maternity photos. I cruised it all. Straining my eyes through to the wee hours of the morning I thought to myself, I should do this.

But time passed, pregnancy advanced and then receded with the birth of my son. I delayed writing as I learned the ins and (most definitely) the outs of my new baby. I rationed that I could barely manage to get dressed in the course of a day, let alone bang out a blog entry. But, I'm realizing that if I don't start now, if I don't begin to document these moments when DS is at his smallest, then my recollections of these days will be faulty, faded, and incomplete. By committing to writing, even once a week, I will be able to preserve my early parenting experiences with far more fidelity and clarity than is possible by memory alone.
So this is largely a selfish exercise, but not purely so. Because parenting is such an exhausting, bewildering, and frightening journey, I seek company to ease my fears, to confirm my suspicions, to share my joys and sorrows. So, here I go. I'm getting started....

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